Writer's Market 2011


Friday, August 7, 2009

reBlog from pmorganbrown.com: P Morgan Brown

Making Friends - Marketing CartoonImage by HubSpot via Flickr

I found this fascinating quote today:

Whenever I start talking to people about social media invarably the question arises “Where do I find the time?”  It’s easy to understand where they’re coming from.  After sitting through several hours of eye-opening presentations about a brand new world of communication and engagement people sit back and think “but I already can’t get everything I need to do done,” and so they come asking “Where do I find the time?”  A fair question to be sure.  Trying to Tweet, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube all while trying to do whatever job you’re supposed to be doing seems fairly impossible at the onset.  It’s almost enough to give up and go back to what you’re used to and comfortable doing.  Which is exactly the wrong impluse.pmorganbrown.com, P Morgan Brown, Jul 2009

You should read the whole article.

Newspapers: 180 years of not charging for content

APAKAH berita harus didistribusikan gratis? Ataukah kita harus membeli informasi?

Newspapers: 180 years of not charging for content

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